5e DnD

Five Gemstone Spells 3

Back in my Enchantment Under the Sea post, I created a spell called gemscribe. It got me thinking about other interesting things to do with crystals in spellcasting (as opposed to, say, making ioun stones with them). I haven’t figured out where any of these might get polished up (get […]

Visual concept for Starjewel

Dokahi’s Brood: Rhaluq the Many 4

For Under the Seas of Vodari, we’re creating several kaiju-like ultra-powerful monsters. They’re commonly known to exist, but to be bound in slumber by the bards of the College of Deep Dreamers. Their awakening is an ever-present threat in the setting. In this post, I’m creating lore and stats for […]

Additional Fey Charms 4

Back in January, I wrote about Fey Contracts, including new charms you can gain from those contracts. In this post, I’m expanding the list of charms, in preparation for turning this into a DM’s Guild release. Image: Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=727057 Charm of Green Bounty When you receive this charm, your […]