Photo Friday: A Musket and a Brace of Pistols

You should definitely check out the history behind this image, brought to you today by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I’m particularly interested in this one because of some work I’ve recently done over in Tribality, as well as how seamlessly this image fits into Aurikesh. (Yes, I know that […]

D&D 5e: Five Relics for Moon Druids 4

Over in that Twitter thread, we were talking about the function of totems as 4e magic items. I suggested that they could be intended for druids, especially the Circle of the Moon, and might boost the stats of lower-CR Wild Shapes, so that if shapeshifting to a wolf or panther is […]

D&D 5e: Five New Genasi Subraces 17

Posting over in Twitter about 4e, I happened to recall that 4e genasi had a lot more varieties than 5e genasi do. Their metagame position is also quite different; 4e genasi have unique offensive powers, while 5e genasi have spells that might be offense or utility, and are substantially varied […]

An Eighth Year of Blogging 5

I almost forgot to write this year’s blog-iversary post! I’m usually better about that, but I’ve been so preoccupied with some writing deadlines that I just now noticed that it’s That Day again. This has been a very different year in my freelance writing, as I’ve shifted away from a […]

Postmortem: The Angel Duma 3

Last weekend’s D&D game ended in the biggest boss fight of the campaign – a fight that has been coming since it started six years ago, and that the players learned was coming around two and a half years ago (36 sessions ago), and have been actively preparing to fight […]

Death in Roleplaying Games 6

This is one of those posts that I’ve talked about writing for awhile now, and I expect that a whole lot of people will disagree most vehemently with everything I say – in one direction or the other. It’s fine, folks. My comment section welcomes you as long as we all […]

Design Diary: The Binding of Venalitazh 2

This is going to be a sort of unusual series, as I’ll be brainstorming and gradually creating the text of an adventure that… after editing… I plan to sell. You know, much like how the rest of my Tribality Publishing releases were Harbinger posts first? Anyway, the goal is first […]

D&D 5e: Three New Elf Cultivars 2

A recent conversation over in the social medias (join my Dungeons & Dragons 5e group in MeWe) with Cam Banks has me thinking about other takes on elves. In particular, he was looking for lower-magic elves with no cantrips or teleports. There’s not a lot of official content that points […]

Five Tips for Time Travel Stories

Quite a while back, a friend suggested that he’d like to see a post on how to run good time-travel stories in roleplaying games. I’m finally writing one – if not an exhaustive guide, then five pointers to make your time travel adventure as cool as possible. I’ve always loved […]

D&D 5e: Magic Items in a Wizard’s Lab 2

I’ve been reading a bunch of Ars Magica 5th Edition lately – make sure you check out Samhaine’s Rules Summary posts – and it got me thinking about the interesting Stuff in a wizard’s laboratory. Going on adventures and spending downtime to do nothing but improve your laboratory is a completely valid campaign-long […]