Alternative Keen Mind and Observant Feats 3

Over in Tribality, I’ve posted some initial thoughts on the 2024 Player’s Handbook revised rules. If you haven’t already seen that article, here’s the short version: I like a lot of things, but dislike a substantial number of changes too. Today I’m talking in more detail about the Keen Mind […]

NPC Stat Block: Holy Zealot 2

In my Aurikesh campaign, my PCs are in rebellion against the prince of the domain they live in. I’ve given them the names and brief descriptions of a bunch of the Prince’s inner circle of advisors and military commanders. As much as possible, I wanted these characters to feel like the […]

Six New Magic Items for July 2

It’s been an incredibly busy month here, with several writing commitments and the fundraiser event for Citadel LARP. I look forward to telling you more about those writing projects – an adventure! boss monsters! and more! – but this isn’t that post. Today I’m doing new magic items, half from […]

So You Want To Write a Subclass 4

Let’s get the first thing out of the way: I am not an authority, and I am not the Subclass Design Cops. If you have a design that makes you happy, go with God. This is just a collection of things I’ve either figured out or been taught by people […]

Revised Kagandi Species

My Aurikesh campaign has its own player species – I wrote new mechanics for humans and goblins, and wrote several new species. Only the githyanki PC uses D&D’s official mechanics. One of these new species is kagandi, who are lightly reptilian humanoids. In the narrative they’re as common and “default” […]

Player Holdings in Aurikesh 2

My Aurikesh campaign has 149 sessions under its belt at this point. Fourteen of those sessions are in 2024, which is more than we’ve had in some whole years. The highest-level characters are 11th to 13th level. Because my personal “old-school” is AD&D 2e, as the players reached 9th level […]

Revised Divine Trickster Roguish Archetype 5

In the misty past of… exactly nine years ago… I wrote a Divine Trickster roguish archetype for a friend of mine to play in the Reborn campaign. That version is highly specialized toward that setting’s pantheon, but also – my grasp of subclass design has changed over the years. For […]

Eight New Magic Items from My Campaigns 4

I haven’t created a new collection of magic items in a bit, so what if I just share with you a bunch of things I’ve created for my Aurikesh and Dragon Heist (now long post-Heist – we just continued the campaign with them doing their own thing) campaigns? Spells with […]

LARP Design: Puzzles and Their Uses

Thanks to some great questions from a reader, I have a whole series of new LARP design posts to write, which brings me great joy. In this one, I’ll be talking about specific puzzle types and applications of puzzles in campaign-length boffer LARPs – the only LARP style I’m really […]

Stargate, from Stargate SG-1

Setting Design and Teleportation 2

In a conversation over on a social media site that shall remain nameless, Hannah Rose suggested giving even fairly low-level PCs limited access to teleportation, just as a way to get them to the adventure site and back to town. I don’t want to assume that I know all of […]