D&D 5e Playtest: Awakened Mystic

The new playtest packet for the Mystic class – known in other editions as the Psionicist – went up on the Wizards of the Coast website today in Unearthed Arcana. Since I’m also working on an edition-by-edition exploration of psionics over in Tribality right now, I’m primed to be excited […]

D&D 5e: Three New Spells, One New Pact, One New Patron

In my campaign, I recently introduced warlocks serving the Nightwalker, my setting’s version of the Grim Reaper. The PCs have known they would eventually run into such warlocks, but this is the first time it has happened. Obviously, that meant I had to write a new Patron option for the […]

D&D 5e: Magic Item Economy

Over in Google Plusville, +Levi Kornelsen mentioned the absence of a magic item economy in 5e. This is a core design assumption on WotC’s part, and they haven’t been shy about it. In most settings I agree with this choice, but in his post he’s specifically talking about Eberron. That setting gets to […]

D&D Dungeon Postmortem: The Abbey of the Immortal Saint 1

Something odd happened in my tabletop campaign last weekend. In an eight-hour session, there were two fights, one of which resolved inconclusively (no one lost hit points or suffered debilitating conditions on either side) and one of which was over before the single NPC’s first turn (having egregiously lost initiative). […]

D&D 5e: Five New Cleric Spells

The cleric spell list of the Player’s Handbook is pretty solid and broad, but I think there are some class-appropriate themes and spell concepts left to be plumbed. I’ve mentioned before my dissatisfaction with the fact that clerics have only one damage-dealing cantrip. In this post, I am pleased to present five […]

D&D 5e Playtest: Waterborne Adventures

Okay, I’m a month late to the game on this one, but I’ve only now found time to write about the most recent release from Unearthed Arcana: Waterborne Adventures. It’s a rules module for things that like water, but prefer to stay above it rather than in it. In particular, […]

D&D 5e: Alternate Crafting Rules

For those who know me, or have been reading this blog since its inception, it comes as no surprise that I’m less than satisfied with the crafting rules of 5e. The good side of them is that even magic items don’t cost XP (because charging XP turns it into something […]

D&D 5e: Divine Trickster Rogue Archetype 1

For a campaign that started up this past Saturday, one of the players was looking for a way to play a more divine-side rogue, rather than an arcane trickster. Now, a straight replacement of Arcane -> Divine is one thing, but the campaign setting has laws of magic that significantly […]

The Single-Class Campaign

In my History of the Classes column on Tribality.com, I mentioned the idea of running a single-class 5e campaign, permitting only the Paladin class. Rather than leave it there, though, this post explores the potential of each class for a single-class campaign and similar deviations from “normal” party breakdowns. This […]

D&D 5e: New Warlock Invocations

In a recent post, I went into some detail breaking down what I see as problems in the design of the warlock class. Today I’m suggesting a few new invocations. The invocations that allow the warlock to cast a spell, at the cost of a warlock slot, once per long […]