Review: Broken Age, Act One

Okay, let’s start this thing off right. If you’ve heard anything at all about Broken Age by Double Fine Productions, it’s a safe bet that you’ve heard it’s the Second Coming of classic adventure games. There are some gaps in my knowledge of adventure games: from the end of King’s […]

Postmortem: Three D&D Sessions

Over the past three weeks, I’ve run three sessions of D&D 5th edition. Across all of these sessions, there have been eighteen different players (Kainenchen played in all three, though very little in the last case; our son was uncooperative). Ranging from people who have played 5e since the earliest […]

Thorin’s Dragon-Sickness: A Roleplaying Challenge

Thorin Oakenshield:  I was blind, but now I begin to see… the Arkenstone! One of them has taken it from me… One of them is false. I’m sure I’m not the only one here who dreams up mechanics to suit scenes in movies. In this case, I was watching The […]

Dakrah’s Familiar, and Posting on

Image by Dawn McLaughlin Yesterday, I released my first ebook, a short story entitled “Dakrah’s Familiar.” It is available on the Kindle bookstore for $2.99. If you follow me on G+ at all, you probably spent a lot of yesterday hearing about this, because it’s a really big deal to […]

D&D 5e: Another Batch of Magic Items, and One Condition

This isn’t my first post of magic items for 5e, though it is the first since the release of the DMG. As I’ve discussed before, I love some of the new levers we see in 5e magic item design. The magic items of the DMG are, by majority, the traditional […]

LARP Advice: How to Be a Great NPC

This post is directed toward players in LARPs that have NPCs who are not full-time members of Staff. That includes both folks who are volunteering for the whole event and never play a PC, and folks who are doing just a few hours’ shift backstage. There’s probably a lot of […]

D&D 5e: Investigator Roguish Archetype

As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been thinking about how to build an Investigator rogue. Since I woke up ridiculously early this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, I now have an initial draft of the Investigator archetype to share. The goal of this archetype is to […]

D&D 5e: Investigation Encounters

There I was, thumbing through the 5e Player’s Handbook (as one does), when I came a suggestion that non-criminal members of the Rogue class include investigators. Well, I like a good procedural mystery as much as anyone, so pondered how you’d play an investigator through the Rogue class. The baseline Rogue abilities […]

Lost Mine of Phandelver: the Lore

I’ve been perusing the adventure included in the D&D 5e Starter Set, “Lost Mine of Phandelver,” with intent to commit heinous acts of game-running. I would guess that about 33% of the folks reading this blog post have also read the adventure, since I’ve heard so much commentary on it […]

D&D 5e: New Fey Creatures

The fey are one of the few areas of the 5e Monster Manual in which the lore is disappointing. Of course, there aren’t all that many fey in the first place: blink dogs, dryads, green hags, pixies, sea hags, satyrs, and sprites. To my mind, this contrasts sharply with the implied […]