The Influence of Jack Vance

As almost everyone reading this already knows, Jack Vance passed away on the 26th of May. Given how little of his work I’ve actually read (The Green Pearl and most of The Dying Earth), it may be presumptuous to maintain – as I do – that his work has greatly affected […]

LARP Design: Story Arc Transitions

The Eclipse campaign has successfully concluded its first story arc. Their six-year mission: to boldly go where no LARP of its lineage has gone before. This is far from the end for the campaign, however, as they have announced that the second story arc begins in September. Arc structure, especially in the […]

Campaigns I’d Like To Run: The Demon Dreams

I’ve been wanting to participate in the Age of Ravens Blog Carnival for “Campaigns I’d Like To Run,” but up to now I’ve had a hard time coming up with anything. The thing is, for the most part I’m currently running the campaigns I would want to run, between Dust […]

How Many Classes DO We Need?

We’ve had the druid, paladin, and ranger in the last couple of playtest packets. These three classes have a greater burden of justifying their own existence than many other classes in the game. They need to differentiate themselves from the classes of which they were offshoots, way back in 2e […]

Experience and Engagement

Earlier today, I read the latest post over at Room 209 Gaming, and it got me thinking. You should absolutely go read the post, but if that’s a lot to ask, I’ll sum up the parts that grabbed me: experience points are the way you get players to do the […]

A Setting Idea for Divine Magic

So D&D has always had this thing where wizards have to research or seize their spells from others, but clerics automatically get access to all spells of each new spell level. (4e is the exception, since it had a totally different approach to spell levels.) Everything else about the two […]

LARP Design: Combat Encounters

Today I thought I might say a few words about the design of combat encounters in LARPs, and some rules elements to treat with greatest care during rules design so that creating enjoyable encounters in years to come is as easy as possible. Chalk this up to a lot of […]

Aurikesh: Expeditionary Logistics

This week in my Aurikesh campaign, I’ll be trying something new. Thus far in the campaign, the players have been based in the city of Chardecum. Some of their adventures have taken them up to a week’s journey out of the city, but I expect their next adventure to involve […]

Feats, Skills, and Class Options

In yesterday’s Legends & Lore post, Mearls talks about feats, skills, and class options. The Big Deal of it is that they’re making a Big Change to skills and offering a little more explanation of the Big Change to feats. All of this springs out of their fundamental principle that the […]

TabApp Elite

In my day job, I make video games (primarily for mobile platforms) for a living. TabApp Elite has been my primary project for… many moons now, and now it is available for consumption.TabApp Elite Website!For iPad! For Android!I hope you play our game, and I hope you love it!