GameOnGirl Interview!

Last week, the good people of GameOnGirl interviewed Kainenchen and me about games and gaming culture. We had a great time during the interview, and it’s now available as a podcast here.Thank you very much, Regina and Rhonda!Also, many thanks to the people of the Rule of 3 community, because […]

D&D Next Design Idea: Wounds and Natural Healing

Ever since the last time I wrote about healing in D&D Next, I’ve been rolling ideas around in the cavernous emptiness of this here melon. I’m still not happy with healing solutions that involve no attrition at all over the course of an adventure, but my stance has softened somewhat […]

The Lore Game: Intermediate-Level

A few weeks ago, two of my readers were kind enough to provide me with questions on the implementation of a lore game. Owing to preparation for a Dust to Dust event, I couldn’t provide an immediate answer, but I will attempt to do so now. As a disclaimer, I […]

D&D Next: Tiers of Play

Yesterday’s Legends and Lore post deals with what WotC calls tiers of play, or the way the campaign changes over the course of play. This gives me a great opportunity to toss out a link to my previous post on high-level play. Mearls gives a brief breakdown of the history […]

D&D Next: Off the Cuff, Round 6 2

Welcome back for another round of off-the-cuff review of the newest D&D Next public playtest packet. Tonight the review is particularly powered by insomnia derived from coughing, which I do not care for at all. They’ve been talking up this packet for awhile – as advertised, it changes things up […]

Homebrewed D&D Next: The Outlander

When Torchlight II first came out, I meant to pick it up, but I was in the middle of something or other and it slipped my mind. A few weeks ago, a friend mentioned in G+ how much she and her whole family were enjoying the game, so Kainenchen and […]

D&D Next: A Revised Warlock

This is another of those things that I am not entirely sure it’s okay to post, so if someone from Wizards of the Coast comes across this and tells me to take it down, I will do so, with apologies. (That said, I suspect a lot more than this has […]

D&D Next: Perspectives on Healing 1

The last few Legends & Lore posts have touched on issues around healing in D&D Next, as have a number of the blogs I read, so this is me, casting my chapeau in again… jauntily, of course. As one does. The driving conflict here is whether D&D Next will adopt […]

PvP: Boffer LARP Edition 10

A couple of weeks ago, Harbinger Readers JohnKazuo and Ms. J replied to my post on PvP design to specifically address the dynamics of PvP in LARPs, and now I’m returning to the topic. To state a few things up-front: this has a lot to do with pure aesthetics, and I […]

D&D Next Design Idea: Giving Ground 7

Kainenchen and I have been talking about the economy of actions in D&D Next lately, particularly in light of the fact that most characters have no way to spend their reaction in a round unless someone provokes an opportunity attack. Further, D&D Next needs more movement in combat (since we […]