D&D Next Playtest: Further Commentary 1

Wizards of the Coast has posted a new update on what to expect in the upcoming D&D Next playtest packet. Naturally, I want to comment on them! Some bullet points: Levels 1-10. Happy about this – though I’ll have to give some serious thought to whether or not Aurikesh continues […]

Experimental Mechanics for a D&D Next Campaign

Sometime within the next month or two, I plan to start up a new campaign, now that my Mage chronicle of a year and a half has ended. There are a few other short-run games that we’ll play first, which means I have a bit more time to plan both […]

D&D Next: Off the Cuff, Round 3

So hey, there’s a new D&D Next Playtest packet that arrived last night. Neat! According to the playtest summary, they’ve updated monsters and experience points, added a chapter on magic items, and updated the Caves of Chaos adventure. Obviously, I would have liked a new class update also, blah blah […]

Game Review: Choice of the Star Captain

A few days ago, based on some advertising on ENWorld, I picked up Choice of the Star Captain for the Kindle Fire ($2.99). Well, okay, first I played the first three chapters for free on the Choice Of Games website. I enjoyed that enough, with its combination of Paranoia-like humor in the […]

Game Economics: Boffer LARP Edition 16

A couple of posts ago, I discussed economics in tabletop games, with some specific elements that focus on the ways that game-economics are like and unlike the study of real-life economics. This time around, I’m shifting the focus to LARPs. CI/Ro3 and Wildlands LARPs – the ones I have real […]

Mage Chronicle: the Conclusion 2

After thirty-one sessions, my Mage: the Awakening chronicle, “No Justice Like Mob Justice,” has come to its end, as one of the players is moving away, and it seems more practical to end the chronicle and start a new game (of something that is not Mage) rather than introduce a […]

Game Economics by and for Non-Majors 2

Before all else in this post: I am not an Economics major. I am, moreover, aware that I am not an economics major. I do know a few things about games, though. (Commentary by actual economics majors is welcome, though.)I’ve been reading the Valve economics blog, and it got me […]

Races in Fantasy Gaming: The Human Condition

In the great majority of medieval fantasy games, the first or second choice a player makes when creating a character is that character’s race. Depending on the game, this choice may or may not make a large difference on a character’s mechanical outcome, but it is probably the biggest single […]

Aurikesh: the Domains of Balioth

The map below, created in Paint.NET, shows the names and locations of the fifteen domains on the continent of Balioth. Each domain is a separate layer in the initial file, so sometime soon I’ll divide these into their provinces and post them domain-by-domain. At that time, I’ll probably also brainstorm […]

Skyrealms of Jorune Review: Part One

Inasmuch as my current Mage: the Awakening chronicle will be drawing to a close soon, I’m trying to figure out what to run next. As it happens, last year at Dragon*Con I bought Skyrealms of Jorune (Third Edition) from the Chessex booth, because it would be a strange trip to Dragon*Con […]