D&D: What’s Actually Wrong With High-Level Play 3

This post is in reaction to the most recent Legends & Lore post by Monte Cook. This will be a serious test case for my rule against fulmination in this blog – but never mind that, go read Monte’s post and come back.I’ve run two D&D campaigns up to 13th […]

LARP Thought Experiment: Alternate Cybernetics System 2

In the Eclipse campaign, I play a human who has been heavily modified with cybernetics. I’ve been playing this character since the start of the campaign, so I’ve had a lot of time to think about theoretical alternate implementations of cybernetics. I want to be very clear that this is […]

D&D 5th Edition: OGL, GSL, SRD, DDI, and so on 5

I have, from time to time, done some freelance design and writing in the general area of D&D (starting in 3.0 and continuing through d20 Modern and 4e), so while I am far from an authority on matters of the Open Gaming License and its hollow look-alike, the Game System […]

Savage Worlds: Player-Side Review 2

As one of the test audience for Samhaine‘s system reviews, I played in a Savage Worlds session this past weekend, set in the classic D&D setting of Ravenloft. (In fact, he’s even posted the module!) The GM pregenerated characters and some backstory for each of us. I played Rhys Sulien […]

D&D 5e: Scaling Bonuses 4

While very little definite information has yet been released about 5th edition D&D, they’ve released some new information on mechanics in the past day or two that I want to comment on, based on some educated guesses made in the context of previous editions. “Instead of the fighter getting a […]

Encounters Per Day Design 2

The concept of designing D&D around a certain number of encounters per day first came to the fore in D&D 3.0. I think everyone reading this is probably familiar with the concept already, but I’d like to drill down on it a bit, because this approach completely changed D&D, and […]

D&D 5th Edition: Design Thoughts of My Own 2

The announcement of D&D Next, 5th Edition, whatever you want to call it, has unsurprisingly lit a fire under the gaming blogosphere, and now that I’m past the DtD one-day, I’m certainly up for commenting on what I’d like to see and the problems that I hope they attack. Much […]

SIFRP Hack: Playtest Recap

This past Thursday, Kainenchen and 2/3rds of my college gaming group sat down to playtest the hack of SIFRP that I’ve been posting about over the last few months. Our Christmas one-shot is now a matter of tradition, though this was the first of the games that did not use […]

Pregenerated Characters for the Christmas One-Shot

Feel free to check my math, ask questions, whatever. These characters are built to what I thought would be effective – we’ll see how that works out. Human Parthé FighterKagandi FighterHuman WizardKagandi Wizard (fighter/wizard build)Veytikka PriestBeruch PriestHuman RogueVeytikka Rogue

How to Write Advice for GMs 2

One of the most significant challenges that I’ve faced in running Mage: the Awakening is working out how to structure a satisfying challenge. For all that the many books of new Mage include chapter after chapter of advice to GMs on different kinds of campaigns one could run, ideas for […]