Twenty Crewmates for the High Seas 3

Whether you’re using Seas of Vodari and Tribality’s Naval Combat supplement, Ghosts of Saltmarsh, or just sending the characters on a sea voyage, you can add more interaction and texture by focusing on individual crew members. You can’t give time to every sailor on a larger ship, sure, but even […]

Gunpowder Traps for 5e 2

For that upcoming Tribality project that I’ve mentioned, I’m writing traps based on gunpowder and firearms for use in D&D 5e. Er, without just making a numbers-bolted-on collection of gunpowder bombs and land mines, I guess. If you want those for your game, that’s fine, but you can read the […]

Session Postmortem: The Battle of the Blockade 3

On Sunday, 19 February, I ran the 122nd session of the Aurikesh campaign, in which the PCs gathered a rag-tag fleet of ships and led it against the blockade at the mouth of the river that leads to their city. I used the same essential approach here as in the […]

Six New Magic Flintlocks 3

It’s been awhile since I’ve written new magic items for this blog, huh? Over a year? No, that doesn’t make any sense. But here we are, I guess. Anyway, this is a collection of magical firearms for an upcoming Tribality release. (Not Under the Seas of Vodari – thankfully that […]

Villain’s Schemes: Magic 2

It’s been over a year since my last post in the Villain’s Schemes series, but since it’s gotten a lot harder in the last week to write D&D content with confidence, I’m just writing about stories and antagonists now – even if it’s using the 5e DMG for its backbone. […]

One Leak

One Leak (with apologies to the Barenaked Ladies) It’s been one week since you leaked to us Codega’s article dropped, you said, “We’re greedy” Five business days in the US Saying, “We’ll be sharing more soon, thanks for your patience.” Three days since the D&D Beyond tweet We realize it’s […]

Gunslinger Archetype: Soulbinder 4

For my Aurikesh campaign, way back in 2012 for D&D Next, I wrote a Seeker class (several iterations appear in this blog) for a creepy occultist gunslinger concept, very much taken from Torchlight 2’s Outlander. In the years since then, Tribality has created a gunslinger class (now found in Seas […]

Name of the Rose - William and Adso

One D&D: New Holy Orders 10

Just to be the first kid on the block dipping a toe into homebrewed One D&D design, I’m offering some new Holy Orders for the Cleric Class, as released in the new UA document. I really like the idea of the Holy Order feature, as it provides both a playstyle […]

Dungeon Fatigue and Its Solutions 4

This post is a compilation and expansion of ideas first discussed in a series of Twitter threads, initially in response to a thread by Enrique Bertran, the NewbieDM, from October 25, 2018. I’ve returned to the idea in a number of threads since then – you’ll notice that I go […]

A Twelfth Year of Blogging

What do you know, I actually missed my blog’s birthday! I am a bad blog dad. Anyway, this is the 527th post in this blog after 12 years of writing. If you’ve been with me since the beginning or joined somewhere along the way – thanks. I appreciate you. It […]