3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars: Player-side Review 2

This past weekend, Stands-in-Fire ran a session of 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars, a rules-light game written to be about space marines killing bugs on the Planet of the Week. Our GM reworked the game’s assumed setting, so instead we fought zombies in various Left 4 Dead configurations as the […]

The Tower of Var Dyrak: Aurikesh One-Shot

(What follows is the intro text for this year’s Christmas one-shot, set in Aurikesh and using my SIFRP hack.)You awaken in a natural cavern, with a muddy floor. It is lit by a single tallow candle that burns in a crevice in the wall. All of your possessions, save for […]

The Races of Aurikesh, SIFRP style

Since I’m now definitely running a session in Aurikesh for my Christmas one-shot, I’ll be posting about this hack of the SIFRP rules even more frequently. If I have time, I will also post a bit about the setting beyond what is stated or implied in the original posts on […]

Hacking SIFRP: Arcane and Divine Magic, Part 3 3

I’ve posted several times in the past about a nebulous homebrewed setting and my ongoing work hacking the SIFRP rules to include PC spellcasting of some kind. The current working title of the setting is Aurikesh, and during a recent business trip I found some time to scribble out maps […]

Mage: the Awakening Experience Points 2

We’re about fourteen sessions into my Mage: the Awakening chronicle, and I’ve been pondering the game’s system of distributing experience points. Mages receive the normal share of experience that all World of Darkness characters receive (“general experience”), as well as earning a secondary pool of Arcane Experience.

LARP Design: Invisibility and Detection 3

There’s been a lot of discussion lately in Eclipse‘s Rules Forum about invisibility and powers that counter invisibility. This is a very complicated topic in LARPing; we spent the better part of a year (off and on) discussing it while designing DtD, and I’m going to try to summarize the […]

A Year of Blogging 3

On 19 November, 2010, I created this blog and posted about the games I was running and playing. Things have changed an awful lot for me since then, with six months of unemployment followed by a new job, friends moving away, and the beginning of Dust to Dust. Games I’m […]

Hacking SIFRP: Arcane and Divine Magic, Part 2 2

This post continues the development of ideas presented previously, with specific numbers and the introduction of a few new ideas to the mix. As before, I’ll tip my hat to Wombat Warlord, who has worked with these ideas a lot more than I have, and without whom I probably would […]

Don’t Rest Your Head: Player-side Review 2

As part of Samhaine’s ongoing tests of all kinds of indie-gaming systems, we recently played a very enjoyable evening of Don’t Rest Your Head. I played Corwin van der Hoyt, a crosstown courier who worked for some kind of shady people; he was a Mirror’s-Edge style thrillseeker. Ever since the […]

LARP Design Diary: Wizard Dueling 2

Shortly before our most recent Dust to Dust event, we released rules for wizard dueling. In this post, I want to talk about some of the design considerations that drove this project, some of the ideas we set aside, and some of the problems that we didn’t discover until after […]