Mansions of Madness: Informal Review, and some Armchair Design

Yesterday, I played my first-ever game of Mansions of Madness with Kainenchen, Stands-in-Fire, and Mrs. Stands-in-Fire. None of us had played before or read the rules exhaustively, though Stands-in-Fire had gone over them a bit – so he played the Keeper. This review, then, is based entirely on player-side experience; I […]

Mage: Hidden Weapons 7

For reasons having everything to do with Dust to Dust, I started thinking about how a character in Mage would conceal a weapon from various levels of searching. While I don’t have specific plans along these lines in my own Mage game, characters might very well want to sneak a […]

4e Rules Variant: Healing Surges 3

As I’ve established pretty thoroughly in this blog, I’m interested in 4e rules hacks, tweaks, and general brainstorming. This is because I believe the most essential part of 4e is the way information is presented in the form of powers; everything else is worth examining for other applications. The 3e […]

Achievement-based Advancement 6

So, a blog much more widely-read than this one recently posted about doing away with XP tables and transitioning to achievement-based advancement. This reminded me, naturally, of Samhaine’s series “To End an Era of Exp,” particularly the concluding post. Notably, Samhaine was really talking about video games, but the ideas […]

Hacking 4e: Martial Schools, Part 1 3

I wanted to do something kind of big and special for my 50th post in this blog, but I’ve had some trouble deciding between the various post topics bouncing around in my head. I chose this topic firstly because it was the one that Kainenchen was the most enthusiastic about, […]

New Race: The Parthic Rite 3

Back in January and February, I posted the veytikka, the beruch, and the kagandi. A fourth new race was always intended to go along with them, though I’ve struggled with the name (originally “rindari”) and concept of this race for quite some time. My goal is that this race is […]

Religion in Fantasy and Fantasy Gaming 5

Reading a post in a blog far more popular than mine, my imagination wandered far off from the writer’s points. He says we’re all doing it wrong with polytheism in D&D, but… I don’t know, I’ve never really cared about recreating Roman polytheism in detail, because among the many things […]

Mage: Combined Spells, Part Two 5

In my last post, I talked a bit about spells that combined Arcana to do interesting things. This time around, I’m looking directly at the character sheets of the mages in my game so that I’m creating things they might want to buy their way into – attainable within 1-2 […]

Mage: the Awakening Combined Spells 10

First off, I am returning from just about abandoning this blog for the entire month of May. I hope that I’ll be able to post here more regularly in June. May saw an end to six months of unemployment, as well as the writing frenzy of the second Dust to […]

LARP design: Storyboarding and Downtime 3

For people who don’t play Eclipse, this post may not hold a lot of interest, except in the area of theoretical design for boffer LARPs. For people who do play Eclipse, and especially for those who run it, this post may be controversial, but I will studiously obey the second […]