Dungeon Philosophy 2

Item 7 of this dungeon-building project specifies a discussion of dungeon-building philosophy. My first post of actual content was running a bit long just as my spare time was running a bit short, delaying said philosophy until now. MMO design and LARP design have both informed my ideas on dungeons, […]

For my next 4e game 4

From January of 2009 to January of 2011, I ran a D&D 4th edition game set in a reinterpreted version of the Dust to Dust setting (as Dust to Dust does not natively have dwarves, eladrin, half-elves, or tieflings, this was necessary). We had a lot of good times with this […]

The Dungeon of Three Deceits: Sector 1 3

(If you don’t know what this post is about in the first place, read this.) Ground RulesFor the creation of this dungeon, I will be doing the following.1. Using 4e rules.2. Assuming that the scale of this map is 1 square = 10 feet. 4e, and 3.x to a lesser […]

A thing I’m doing… in all my spare time 2

Over in A Dungeon Master’s Tale, a group project has been proposed, and it intrigues me. I don’t know that I’ll stick with it long enough to finish, but I’ll be posting bits as I have time and inclination. Kainenchen has expressed interest in doing this also, so we may […]

Rolling up a character: Numerical equality 8

This post is a response to one section of Samhaine’s latest post, so go read that first. I’ll wait. You’re looking for the “I Won this 18 in the Lottery” section.Maybe there is a middle ground between randomly generated ability scores and point-buy ability scores that gets it all right. […]

3.x Kitbash: A Replacement for Schools of Magic 11

In playing 4e, one of the things that I miss about 3.x D&D is the feeling of a greater structure to magic. I would like 3.x magic more if it had more of a sense of mystery, but it’s better than the total lack of structure presented in, say, a 4e wizard. […]

Dresden Files RPG: First Combat 4

Thanks to a certain confluence of events, last night’s session of Samhaine‘s Dresden Files game had only my wizard and Kainenchen’s character Trudy the Vampire Slayer Serial Killer were the only ones playing. Because there were only two of us, we decided to play through a “what-if” of the previous session, rather […]

Dresden Files RPG: Eyewitness Testimony 9

As Samhaine has mentioned, he has started up a Dresden Files game, in no small part so that he can comment on it in the greater scope of his review of FATE. I’ll be posting my own commentary here in Harbinger, and it may cover anything from FATE rules (which […]

The Kagandi 3

I have tallied the results (both of them!) and have settled on a mixture of versions 2 and 3 of the kagandi described in this post. Of course, both responses wanted me to have written something about the race relations of the setting before they chose a preference. I am […]

Development in progress: The Kagandi 2

Kainenchen pointed out that the veytikka and the beruch are both written as minorities in a human society, which is another part of what brought up the whole topic of unfamiliar races and how races are used in games that we’ve been talking about off and on for the past couple […]