Crafting Systems in Tabletop Games: Part One 2

Start with the understanding that I love crafting and crafting systems. This love comes first from MMOs, but it also applies to LARPs. I like spending my time and energy to get stuff in a way that I can control. I like feeling that I’ve exerted that degree of control […]

Games I’m Running, Games I’m Playing 7

Let’s see. Games I’m Running D&D 4th edition. This game has run from 4th level to 13th, over 42 sessions so far. If you care to read more, there’s a wiki. This game pretty well exhausts my need to run high-powered games. Over the Edge. I’ve been posting session logs […]

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3e

This post concerns two sessions of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay that Samhaine ran. If this doesn’t interest you, move along, for you’ll surely get no joy of this post. I have liked the general flow of WHFRP3e (hereafter WH – I haven’t played any other tabletop incarnation of WHFRP, so for me […]

In which we clarify that which will be our matter

So, I’m currently in an odd in-between state with regard to employment that displeases me quite a lot, but provides me with lots of time. I filled the first few weeks of this time with, ah, market research. Best thing about being a game designer: it’s easy to justify buying […]